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7 April 2017
Chris, United Kingdom
We had the services of two drivers George 25.03 and 31.03 for different trips from Minsk. George took us to Gajna and another driver ( so sorry we forgot his name) took us to Chаtyn. Both of them were excellent, good drivers, friendly and helpful. We were very happy with the service on both occasions.
Elena in the travel office was extrimely helpful, organising for us trips and guides/interpreters and contact phone numbets. We were very happy with her service and we look forward to contact her for our future trips.
Kind regards
Valeria, Chris
Viapol comment: Туристы из Великобритании: 25.03.2017 Гаенские истоки; 31.03.2017 Хатынь https://viapol.by/welcome_1day_en.htm. Менеджер и организация тура Елена Иванова