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30 June 2019
Olga Minina, Latvia
Good afternoon!
I want to share my impression of Belarus, namely the trip on a day excursion to Mir and Nesvizh. June 23 decided to make a gift for her birthday. Instead of a banal feast, I got a full-day trip to Mir and Nesvizh. In the early morning, at the appointed time, we were met by Olga Zalygina, a representative of the company ‘Viapol’ And our small group, in the amount of 8 people, plunged into a comfortable minivan. Which masterfully controlled by the driver Artyom and we rode with a breeze. I was not bored on the road, Olga immediately started her professional duties! And we began to plunge into the world of the Radzivils and ghosts, like in a fairy tale. Having quietly reached the World, our group was at the disposal of the next professional. Having run through the halls and ladders of the castle, we learned more and more about the history of the gentry and the ancient family of the Radzivils. In parting, they ran into the turrets, and also visited the prison. We took a photo as a keepsake and Olga led us away to inspect the next attraction. Having examined the tombs of the Radzivil family and not a large, but very picturesque church, our company was taken for lunch.
Our dinner was simple, but tasty and hearty, and most importantly where it was ... This is a very beautiful and bright restaurant called "Pearl" In such a place, it’s time to play a wedding or to celebrate an anniversary! The interior is very beautiful, elegant and solemn! With attentive and helpful staff. The restaurant itself is surrounded by an elegant and well-kept garden. Under this impression, we dined and went on.
We visited a very unique and ancient castle. Inside, we were awaited by curious artifacts from the life of the Radzivilov, which Olga told us. Next we went to Nesvizh castle. Where our group was assigned to the care of the guide Lyudmila. Not for a moment letting go of our attention, she immersed us, as enchanted, in the world of castle life, for many centuries. We found out who the Orphan is and who the Little Fish is! And in general, Mei has the impression that wake up at night, and I’ll tell you everything about Radzivils, gentry, Orphans and Fishes.
I never thought that Belarus has such a rich and curious past !!! Another surprise awaited us at Nesvizh Castle — this is a musical, improvised mini-concert. Which was specially performed for us in the musical-historical salon. What, the guide Lyudmila also contributed. It is always noticeable when a person loves his job! Having completed the tour bypassing the palace and the park area, we replenished our collections with unique photos. For which, by the way, Olga, special thanks! Our tour smoothly ended and plunging into our bus, we were tired, but full of impressions, set sail for Minsk. But a pleasant surprise awaited me: Olga completely unexpectedly and very solemnly congratulated me on his birthday! And as a gift, she handed me a set of colorful illustrations, of excellent quality, with views of the palaces of the World and Nesvezh! The places where I just visited. It was very handy, I did not have time to purchase any souvenirs.
And now, I will be happy to look at postcards with views of the places where I was and share my impressions with friends. And I recommend everyone to visit an excursion to Mir and Nesvizh, using the services of the company ‘Viapol’. I wish Olga Zalygina also conducts your excursion — she is a true professional and expert in her field, with a lively sense of humor and artistry.
I enclose a photo report from personal materials.
Olga Minina, Riga, Latvia
Viapol comment: Scheduled 1 day Tour in Russian "Monuments of the Mir and Nesvizh" June 23, 2019 https://viapol.by/assembly/1.1.htm. Managers and support of the tour Svetlana Iosko, Anastasia Titko, Alena Zherko. Tour guide Olga Zalygina