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14 Mars 2020
Alex, Australie
Добрый день, Анастасия.
Огромная благодарность за организацию тура. Нам очень понравилось. Отдельная благодарность Андрею. Он замечательный гид с отменной дикцией и большим количеством интересной информации. Мы в восторге.
С уважением,
Ольга и Алекс plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Visite régulière d'une journée "Châteaux de Mir et Nesvizh" le 14 mars 2020 Gestionnaires - Svetlana Iosko, Anastasiya Strahova. Guide touristique - Andrei Davydovskii.
1 Octobre 2019
Firma turystyczna, Polska
Pan Siergiej Byckiewicz, dzień Dobry, skończyliśmy szczęśliwie i tym razem wycieczkę. Dziękuję za pomoc. Bardzo proszę o złożenie w moim imieniu bardzo serdecznych podziękowań dla Pana JAROSŁAWA z Mińska przewodnika naszej grupy w terminie 18-21.09.2019. Bardzo się wszystkim podobała jego wiedza i jej przekazywanie.
Jeszcze raz serdecznie dziękuję
z poważaniem
Stanisław Przytuła plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Turnus 18 - 22 wrzesnia 2019 r. Trasa: Grodno – Wasiliszki – Lida – Nowogródek – Jezioro Świteź – Zaosie – Mir – Mińsk – Nieśwież – Kosów – Poleski – Brześc Hotele: Tourist*** (Grodno), Mirski Posad*** (Mir), Yubileiny*** (Mińsk), Bialorus*** (Brześć). Manager Siergiej Byckiewicz, przewodnik Jaroslaw Stasiewicz
Тур 18 - 22 сентября 2019 г. по маршруту: Гродно - Василишки - Лида - Новогрудек - Озеро Свитец - Заосие - Мир - Минск - Несвижск - Коссово - Брест Гостиницы: Турист *** (Гродно), Мирский Посад *** (Мир), Юбилейный *** (Минск), Беларусь *** (Брест). Менеджер Сергей Быцкевич, гид Ярослав Стасевич
26 Septembre 2019
Nicoletta, Italy
Dear Anastasia,
I wish to thank you and our guide Andrej for the excellent organization of the tour.
We were a little worried to join the tour in Russian, since we don't speak Russian. But Andrej was a great guide. He was exactly what we needed: very kind, professional and helpful, making sure we were comfortable during the tour, and after calling a taxi for us and even waiting for it with us. We really enjoyed everything of the tour. It was great to have enough time to visit accurately both the castles in our own with no hurry, and the lunch was very good. plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled 1day tour in Russian (with audio guides in museums in English and with the help of our friendly guides:) "Castles of Mir and Nesvizh" on September 14, 2019 Managers and tour support Anastasia Strahova, Svetlana Iosko, Anastasia Titko. Tour Guide Andrej Davydovsky
И перевод:
Сборная экскурсия на русском языке (с аудиогидами на английском и помощью наших дружелюбных гидов:) "Памятники Мира и Несвижа" 14 сентября 2019 г. Менеджеры и обеспечение тура Анастасия Страхова, Светлана Иосько, Анастасия Титко. Экскурсовод Андрей Давыдовский
12 Septembre 2019
Dr. Gregor Berghorn, Germany
Dear Ekaterina,
we returned from Minsk last night, and I can really say that all of our group members have become really enthusiastic about Minsk! Except Maria and me no one of them has ever been to Belarus or Minsk before, and, when they departed in Frankfurt, they were more or less full of preconceived ideas and obscure expectations in their heads. And all this disappeared completely within a couple of days, and they flew home again with a fully changed opinion and an absolutely positive impression of Minsk and Belarus. A clean city, friendly people, a modern and open, plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Tour "Minsk – Khatyn – Мir - Nesvizh – Dudutki" September 6-11, 2019. Hotel Monastyrski*** (Minsk). Manager Elena Ivanova, Julia Besmen, Kate Jakubovskaja. Guide Larisa Korogodova
Тур для группы туристов их Германии на 6 дней 6 - 11 сентября 2019 г. по маршруту Минск - Хатынь - Мир - Несвиж - Дудутки, отель Монастырский*** Менеджер тура Екатерина Дружинина, обеспечение тура Юлия Безмен, Екатерина Якубовская. Гид Лариса Корогодова
28 Août 2019
Sergej Pavlovec, Czech Republic
Catherine, good afternoon!
Once again I want to express my gratitude on behalf of all our guests! Despite the fact that we never met in person, you organized everything perfectly. The guests especially liked the work of the guides, both in the castles and in Minsk!
Thank you very much!
Sincerely, Sergey Pavlovets, Prague plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: MICE tour for a large group of specialists (about 130 people!) from the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Poland, Holland, USA, Great Britain, Egypt, Latvia, Russia, Estonia on August 22 - 25, 2019 along the route Minsk - Mir - Nesvizh - Borisov; Robinson Club Hotel (Minsk Sea) The manager and support of the tour - Ekaterina Druzhinina, Anastasia Strakhova, Anastasia Volodashchik. Guides Olga Zhvirko, Camilla Yanushkevich, Andrey Davydovsky, Denis Zankovich
18 Août 2019
David, United Kingdom
Hello — I just wanted to say that I enjoyed the tour on Friday very much. Andrei was a fantastic tour guide — very friendly and extremely knowledgeable.
Thanks David
Здравствуйте. Я просто хотел сказать, что мне очень понравился тур в пятницу. Андрей был фантастическим гидом — очень дружелюбным и чрезвычайно знающим.
Спасибо Дэвид
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled 1-day tour on Fridays conducted in English - on August 16, 2019 "Khatyn World War II Memorial" Manager and support of the tour Svetlana Iosko, Anastasia Strakhova. Tour guide Andrei Davydovsky
Сборная экскурсия "Мемориальный комплекс Хатынь" каждую пятницу на английском языке - 16 августа 2019 г. Менеджер и обеспечение тура Светлана Иосько, Анастасия Страхова. Гид Андрей Давыдовский
18 Août 2019
Alessandra, Italy
A special thanks to Camilla from Alessandra, Italy. I joined the castle Saturday tour but unfortunately I felt ill and I was bad during all the excursion. She was very nice with me, understanding and helpful. We went to a pharmacy in order to buy some medicines for my stomach desease, she asked the driver to left us close to the apartment were I stayed because I couldn't even afford the metro stops I should have had to done. So thanks a lot. A very professional guide but first of all a woman and a friend. Call me when you decide to visit Italy
Alessandra plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled weekly tour in ENGLISH “Castles of Mir and Nesvizh” August 17, 2019 Manager of the tour Svetlana Iosko, Anastasia Strakhova. Guide Kamilla Janushkevich
Сборная еженедельная экскурсия на английском языке "Замки Мир и Несвиж" 17 августа 2019 г. Менеджер и обеспечение тура Светлана Иосько, Анастасия Страхова. Экскурсовод Камилла Янушкевич
30 Juin 2019
Olga Minina, Latvia
Good afternoon!
I want to share my impression of Belarus, namely the trip on a day excursion to Mir and Nesvizh. June 23 decided to make a gift for her birthday. Instead of a banal feast, I got a full-day trip to Mir and Nesvizh. In the early morning, at the appointed time, we were met by Olga Zalygina, a representative of the company ‘Viapol’ And our small group, in the amount of 8 people, plunged into a comfortable minivan. Which masterfully controlled by the driver Artyom and we rode with a breeze. I was not bored on the road, Olga immediately started her professional duties! And we began to plunge into the world of the Radzivils and ghosts, like in a fairy tale. plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled 1 day Tour in Russian "Monuments of the Mir and Nesvizh" June 23, 2019 Managers and support of the tour Svetlana Iosko, Anastasia Titko, Alena Zherko. Tour guide Olga Zalygina
13 Juin 2019
Incentive Bureau, Warszawa
Siergej, pięknie dziękuję Ci za całą pomoc w organizacji wyjazdu naszej grupy VIP! Bardzo doceniam Twoje zaangażowanie, szybkość działania i sprawność odpisywania na wiadomości.
Nasz Klient wrócił bardzo zadowolony, wszystko było w porządku, goście zachwyceni samym Mińskiem i jedzeniem. Jedyne co nas zaskoczyło, to to, że strzały zarówno z czołgów jak i broni były…udawane. Tzn naciskało się przycisk, a gdzieś tam w oddali sztuczny strzał — gdybyśmy oparli nasz wyjazd na idei czołgów i broni to byłby duży problem i szkoda, że o tym nie wiedzieliśmy. Na szczęście grupa się nad tym nie skupiła. Wszyscy wrócili bardzo zadowoleni! plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: An incentive tour for a group of tourists from Poland on June 4 - 6, 2019 along the route Minsk - Stalin Line - Kony-Pony farmstead Tour manager Sergey Bytskevich, tour support Julia Bezmen, Elena Ivanova, Ekaterina Yakubovskaya Guide Yaroslav Stasevich
Tур для группы туристов из Польши 4 - 6 июня 2019 г. по маршруту Минск - Линия сталина - агроусадьба «Кони-пони» Менеджер тура Сергей Быцкевич, обеспечение тура Юлия Безмен, Елена Иванова, Екатерина Якубовская. Гид Ярослав Стасевич
3 Juin 2019
SCHNEIDER GROUP, Belarus-Poland-Armenia-Russia etc...
Dear Natalia!
On behalf of our director of the Minsk office of SCHNEIDER GROUP, Natalya Andreevna Shulzhenko, and on my own behalf, I would like to thank VIAPOL and you PERSONALLY for organizing and coordinating our unusual Minsk-Grodno-Augustovsky Canal tour with crossing the Belarusian-Polish foot border. Everything went flawlessly and above our expectations! Our visiting foreign guests were very impressed, of course, from the beauties they saw, but your organization was also noted. All details and our wishes have been taken into account. Many thanks to the guide Andrei Davydovsky, he didn’t talk very much, it was interesting to listen. plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Event tour for an international company on the route Minsk - Grodno - Augustow Canal - Poland May 31, 2019 Manager and support of the tour Natalya Bolundo. Tour guide Andrei Davydovsky
Event-мероприятие для международной компании по маршруту Минск - Гродно - Августовский канал - Польша 31 мая 2019 г. Менеджер и обеспечение тура Наталья Болундо. Экскурсовод Андрей Давыдовский
27 Mai 2019
Dmitry Larionov, Finland
Dear Catherine.
We want to express our deep gratitude to you personally and to all the employees of the company for the excellent travel program in Belarus. We had a wonderful and rich time, we knew and fell in love with Belarus and its people. We will tell all our friends about a wonderful trip and will be happy to recommend your company. We especially want to note the very professional work of the guide Kristina Bugaenko and the driver Olga. They were able to create a very comfortable and colorful stay for us.
Best wishes plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: MICE tour for a delegation from Finland on May 20-24, 2019 along the route Minsk - Nesvizh - Mir - Brest - Belovezhskaya Pushcha - Gorodeya; Hotel Minsk **** (Minsk), Hermitage **** (Brest). Tour manager Ekaterina Druzhinina, tour support Anastasia Strakhova, Julia Bezmen. Guide Kristina Bugaenko
MICE-тур для делегации из Финляндии 20-24 мая 2019 г. по маршруту Минск - Несвиж - Мир - Брест - Беловежская пуща - Городея; гостиницы Минск**** (Минск), Эрмитаж**** (Брест). Менеджер тура Екатерина Дружинина, обеспечение тура Анастасия Страхова, Юлия Безмен. Гид Кристина Бугаенко
25 Mai 2019
Michael Cassar, United Kingdom
Hi thank you, excursion was great and Andrei was able to explain in English. He took time after the Russian translation to take time to speak in English which was key for me to write this email. Please pass on my thanks
Many thanks
Mike plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled weekly tour "Khatyn Memorial Complex" on the route Khatyn - the Mount of Glory on May 24, 2019 Manager and tour support Svetlana Iosko, Anastasia Volodashchik. Tour Guide Andrei Rodkin
Сборная экскурсия "Мемориальный комплекс Хатынь" по маршруту Хатынь - Курган славы 24 мая 2019 г. Менеджеры и обеспечение тура Светлана Иосько, Анастасия Володащик. Экскурсовод Андрей Родькин
17 Avril 2019
Göteborg, Sweden
Promote the destination further, Vera as a tour guide extremely talented, strength to have someone who speaks the language, clicked perfectly with Kamila, the talented guide in Minsk. Everyone was surprised by the high standard of house building in Minsk. The program was intensive but good, fine with the last day on its own so you can keep up with yourself and feel the life in Minsk plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Group of tourists from Sweden on April 4 - 8, 2019. Tour program Minsk - Dudutki – Mir - Nesvizh – stalin line - Khatyn. Belarus Hotel*** (Minsk). Manager and tour support Sergey Bytskevich, Elena Ivanova, Julia Bezmen. Guides Kamila Januszkevich, Vera Volynskaja
9 Avril 2019
Travel agency, France
Elena, hello!
Today we received an enthusiastic review from our first tourist! He liked absolutely everything! He wrote that he was very happy with everything. And a guide and a driver and organization!
We are very happy with our whole team !!! From our entire team — many thanks!
We hope that there will be more applications for Belarus plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Индивидуальный 5-дневный тур для туриста из Франции 31 марта - 4 апреля 2019 г. по маршруту Минск - Хатынь - Линия Сталина - Мир - Несвиж, гостиница Президент Отель***** Менеджер тура Елена Иванова, обеспечение тура Юлия Безмен, Екатерина Якубовская. Гид Лариса Корогодова
29 Octobre 2018
François Leresche, Lausanne Switzerland
Dear Elena,
The (Unfortunately too short) trip in Belarus was totaly pleasant. Nice hotels with realy helpfull and kind people. We made different visits in the cities, in museums, parks, and so on and it was so interesting. Everywhere we met nice and friendly people.
I thank you for your help and your good services.
François Leresche, LAUSANNE plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Тур для группы туристов из Швейцарии 15 - 20 сентября 2018 г. по маршруту Витебск - Минск - Брест, гостиницы Смарт Бутик Отель (Витебск), Монастырская*** (Минск), Веста*** (Брест) Менеджер и обеспечение тура Елена Иванова, Юлия Безмен
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