Accueil / Сritiques
21 Juillet 2017
Anja and David, United Kingdom & Finland
Письмо от партнеров — турагенства ДИТРИБ:
"Вероника, мои туристы оставили нам отзыв о туре Мир и Несвиж 13 июля на английском языке. Спасибо вам большое!) Кристина, Дитриб"
Anja and David
We enjoyed our tour. We were lucky to have good weather in the morning, but when we left Neshwizh, we got really much rain. We both liked Neshwizh more than Mir castle. It (Neshwizh ) made me to want to learn more about Radziwills which I intend to do. Our lunch at the restaurant was good too. We both were satisfied with the program and we saw a lot. We had a nice guide. I have to mention the guide at Neshwizh palace. He was like native British man, his English was so good. Thank you for the trip!
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled regular 1-day tour in English "Ancient Towns of Mir and Nesvizh" July 13 (each Thursday at 9.00, conducted in English) Guide Ludmila Fokeeva.
Сборная еженедельная экскурсия на английском языке "Памятники Мира и Несвижа" 13 июля 2017 г. Организация тура Вероника Луня, Анастасия Страхова. Гид Людмила Фокеева