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15 Juin 2015
Dzien dobry Panie Siergej. Slicznie dziekuje!!! Grupa wrocila zadowolona :) Przekazuje Panu gratulacje za wzorowe zorganizowanie pobytu dla wymagajacej grupy!!! Duze podziekowania za bardzo dobrych przewodnikow!!!
Commentaire de Viapol: Groupe d'entreprises du 4 au 8 juin 2015 sur la route Minsk - Zhodino - Orsha - Smolensk - Katyn - Mir - Novogrudok - lac. Svityaz - Nesvizh - Kurapaty. Tour manager - Sergey Bytskevich, tour support - Julia Bezmen. Guide touristique Alexandra Gubskaya.
1 Juin 2015
Jolita Ostrauskaite, Kaunas Lithuania
Dear Veronika, Thank you very much for a wonderful tour. We liked it very much. We are planning to come to Minsk the next year and we are thinking about a new Tour with your travel company. Thank you once more. Best regards, Jolita
Commentaire de Viapol: Corporate tour "Castles of Mir and Nesvizh" for tourists from Lithuania May 28th, 2015. Manager - Veronica Lunia. Tour guide - Veronica Volynskaya.
26 Février 2015
George Iskandar, Beirut
Dear Elena,
We would like to thank you, your company Viapol, and your colleagues for the success of our tour to Belarus. In addition please let us know when the photos of the tour will be ready.
Best Regards, George Iskandar, Beirut, Lebanon
Commentaire de Viapol: Sightseeing tour for the group of doctors from Jordan and Iran, Fabruary 14-18 on the route Minsk - Mir-Nesvizh - Dudutki. Hotel "Renaissanse". Manager - Elena Ivanova.
19 Septembre 2014
Audrey Scharf, Jupiter Florida USA
Dear Elena:
Thanks to you and your suggestion, we had the most amazing day. Because Ludmilla had the information that you requested, we saw the actual house where my grandfather was born and lived until he went to America. Olga was a wonderful driver and fun to be with. Irina is a fabulous guide. She made the day very special. And our local guide, Ludmilla, showed us around the Village. With Irina being there, language was no problem. Thank you for creating one of the best days of my life.
With warmest regards, Audrey
Commentaire de Viapol: Nastolgic tour for american tourists on the route Minsk - Bobr (Krupskii region), September 17-19, 2014. Manager - Elena Ivanova.
11 Juillet 2014
Szczepanska-Dabrowska Elzbieta, Polska
Уважаемые Господа, от всей души, от своего имени и имени моей дочки — Эвы и коллеги, Мариоли Вуйчик, я хотела бы передать нашу огромную благодарность менеджеру Веронике, гиду — Ольге и водителю автобуса за фантастическую 2 — дневную экскурсию в Полоцк и Витебск, 28 и 29 июня с.г. Мы получили очень много интересной информации о Беларуси, про ее историю. Было заметно, с какой любовью к своей работе относится Ольга, она передавала все информации с глубоким уважением к истории, на понятном и красочном языком. Организация экскурсии была безупречной. plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Wycieczka grupowa „ALBARUTHENIA: Połock-Witebsk, 2 dni” 28-29 czerwca 2014 r., Hotel Luches **** (Witebsk). Kierownikami wycieczek są Ekaterina Morozko, Veronika Lunya. Zwiedzanie - Witalija Dorożkina. Przewodnik - Olga Zalygina.
14 Septembre 2013
Rasmus Wickholm, Helsinki Finland
Hello! (Sorry I wasn't able to answer in time, as I was travelling without an internet connection. I returned home and to my e-mail just a couple of days ago.)
Everything went OK. We had a great time on both excursions (Dudutki and Mir & Nesvizh) even though we don't understand the Russian language. No problem. We had already read a lot about Dudutki, Mir and Nesvizh on the Internet (in 4 different languages we understand :), so we know the history and background of these places. More than anything else, plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled 1-day tour "Old Folk Craft Museum - Dudutki" August 1st, 2013 and "Castles of Mir and Nesvizh" August 7th, 2013. Managers - Anastasiya Strahova, Elena Ivanova. Guides - Ludmila Fokeeva, Irina Salnikova.
7 Mai 2013
Ele Pranaityte, Lithuania
Dear Galina,
I returned home from Belarus yesterday and I feel that I must write to you to express my gratitude for the excursion to Mir and Nesvyzh. Our guide Olga was great, very knowledgeable and great person. The places we saw were amazing and the lunch in the restaurant was really delicious. I am very satisfied that I booked this trip and I will recommend it to people going to Belarus. Thank you very much. Ele Pranaityte
Commentaire de Viapol: Scheduled 1-day tour "Castles of Mir and Nesvizh" May 4, 2013. Tour guide - Olga Zalygina.
30 Novembre 2011
Andrey Pankratov, State joint stock company "Latvian railway" Riga
Доброе утро, Наталья! Немного с опозданием, но, от имени группы, хочу поблагодарить Вас за радушный приём, прекрасную организацию экскурсий и отдыха! Передайте наши искреннее спасибо Ярошу и Екатерине! Надеемся на дальнейшее сотрудничество!
Good morning, Natallia! A bit late but from the whole group I want to say thank you for your warm welcome, plus...
Commentaire de Viapol: Corporate tour for the tourists from Latvia on the route Minsk - Dudutki, November 26-27, 2011. Tour guides - Ekaterina Morozko, Yarash Malishevskij.
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