Accueil / Сritiques
12 Juin 2017
Stanley Serkin, London, United Kingdom
Dear Elena
We much enjoyed our trip to Belarus. Starting off with the tour of Minsk, Ludmilla introduced us to Michael, the head of the Jewish community in Borisov and with his detailed local knowledge the Borisov tour was a great success.We were able to visit all the places we had hoped to see. Ludmilla was charming and very helpful throughout.
The tour of Vitebsk was equally successful. As Roman lives in Vitebsk, he had a great amount of local knowledge. He made an appointment with the Rabbi whom we met and he enthusiastically showed us around the new Synagogue which is still in course of construction. On visiting the cemetery, we discovered a tombstone bearing my family name but there was no way to establish whether the deceased person was a member of myfamily. Roman was also most helpful.
In conclusion, thank you very much for organising these tours and also for arranging a special rate at the Belarus Hotel which we found very comfortable.
Best regards, Stanley
Commentaire de Viapol: Ностальгический тур для туристов из Великобритании с 29 мая по 5 июня 2017 г. по маршруту Минск - Борисов - Витебск. Гостиница Беларусь*** (Минск) Родители этих туристов эмигрировали из Беларуси в начале 20-го века. Обзорные экскурсии по городам, посещение краеведческих музеев, синагог, встречи с представителями еврейских организаций. Менеджер и организация тура Елена Иванова, обеспечение тура Юлия Безмен. Экскурсоводы Людмила Фокеева и Роман Воронов